Hi guys! I'm Brittany and the voice
behind SkinnyMama. Thanks for
taking a peek at my web-world! |
SkinnyMama is a little corner of the internet designed to help Mama types of all shapes and sizes pursue a healthy lifestyle, starting with what comes out of our kitchens, so that we can be better mothers to our kiddos. It is
NOT about being thin for thin's sake, but it
IS about being better versions of ourselves. As a first time Mama, who trudged a rough pregnancy, packed on 60 pounds, acquired those fancy stretch marks and became familiar with a silly thing called cellulite (all at only 25 years old!) I found that, although absolutely smitten with my new bundle of love, my self esteem was completely shot and I felt terribly uncomfortable in my new body. After a little moping, I decided to do a complete overhaul of my post-baby lifestyle and get to know the new me. Friends and acquaintances have taken note of my progress and began asking what I am eating/doing/reading/drinking/etc. So, I created SkinnyMama as a way to share what I learn through successes and failures on my journey to reclaiming myself.
You can check my progress HERE. I've recently re-joined the vegetarian band wagon, but my husband is still a meat eating machine so I'll still include some meat dishes here and there to appease his tummy and my meat eating readers. Take a look around, send me suggestions/advice and remember, my ladies, we are all in this together.
I try to get as close to the exact caloric intake amount as possible when posting my meals. I use a Calorie Calculator to find these numbers, however, some meals may be a little less or a little more than the number I've calculated. Never-the-less, all meals posted here are healthy, rest assured.
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